Water, the exhibit

An exciting journey throughout water’s various forms!

The exhibition “Water, the exhibition” was created for the World Water Forum in France and was awarded the prestigious Water Forum Label in 2012.

The exhibition deals with WATER in all its forms and in its universal dimension, everyone’s water and water for everyone. It invites the public to discover water through a variety of media and devices.

Themes of the exhibition

Water & Life

Water & Mankind

Water & Society


Discover the close links between this element and life.

Understand the relationships between Mankind and water.

Measure their consequences for societies across the world.


picto manipulation

1 physical interactive game (Kinect) & 1 multimedia game

pico tortue

Specimens & 1 Leatherback Sea turtle cast

picto maquettes

Easily adjustable and adaptable exhibition

picto famille et scolaire

General public, families and school visitors

picto surface

150 to 250 sq. m.

picto langues

French and English


The exhibition comes with a full visitor interpretation kit including supplies for the “general public”, school visitors and disabled visitors. It also includes casts, accessories and items to handle.

The kit was put together by the Visitor Interpretation and Accessibility Department at the Toulouse Natural History Museum.

Rates and rental conditions: : Contact us


Trusted by:

The Citadel of Hanoi, Vietnam

Stockholm Natural History Museum, Sweden

Pavillon de l’eau, Paris, France

EDF Electropolis Museum, Mulhouse, France

The Palais de la Porte Dorée Aquarium, Paris, France

Jurrassica Museum, Porrentruy, Switzerland

Halle aux Sucres, Dunkerque, France