Prehistory, the investigation

An original investigation into the depths of prehistory!

A real pre-historical burial site, discovered in 1928 on Téviec Island, just off the coast of Quiberon, France, is at the centre of a thrilling scientific investigation:
Who are these human beings huddled together in the same burial place? What is the meaning behind the objects surrounding them? What do they tell us about our origins? From traditional science to the most modern of techniques, researchers now have a multitude of tools available to them. Go on a hunt for clues, observe, deduce and become an expert in Prehistory thanks to this travelling exhibition.

PREHISTORY, The Investigation was awarded the prestigious “Exhibition of National Interest” label for 2010 by the French Ministry of Culture.

Exhibition themes

Chronology (when were they alive?)

Anthropology (who were they?)

Environment (where did they come from?)

Technology (how did they make their tools?)

Social (how did they die?)


Observe. Deduce. Understand.

Find out about the tools and specialisms involved in scientific research.

Understand the lifestyle and social organisation of Mesolithic societies.

As a reward for their investigative work, visitors finally discover the double burial site of Téviec.


picto manipulation

1 interactive activity

picto production audio

7 videos and 12 multimedia displays

picto archéologie

Autopsy table and 3D cast of burial site A in Téviec

picto famille et scolaire

General public, families and school visitors

picto surface

150 to 350 sq. m.

picto langues

French and English


The exhibition comes with a full visitor interpretation kit including supplies for the “general public”, school visitors and disabled visitors. It also includes casts, accessories and items to handle.

The kit was put together by the Visitor Interpretation and Accessibility Department at the Toulouse Natural History Museum.

Rental conditions and rates : Contact us


Trusted by:

Palais de la Découverte, Paris, France

International Centre of Prehistory in Eyziès-de-Tayac, France

Origins Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa

Paléospace l’Odyssée, Villers sur mer, France

Espaces des Sciences, Rennes, France

Val d’Oise Archaeological Museum, France

Science Museum – CCSTI (Centre for Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture), Laval, France

Jurassica Museum, Switzerland

Nîmes Natural History Museum, France